Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We used a variety of foliages and stems to create a base for the flowers and at the same time adding bulk and depth. Giant phalaenopsis orchids and fuji mums have a substantial visual impact at the base and central portions of the piece. An orange spray orchid has a delicate, branching effect at the top reflecting the shape and arch of the green fiddle head stems and the orange callas.
The final addition was just to add a little movement with some sweeping loops of orange midelino sticks bunched. Overall I was pleased with the finished product and it was great fun working with such fabulous materials!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Studio 237 goes Orange

This post will share a lot of piks from start to finish of the undertaking of converting the large central arrangement at Studio 237 from it's previously white and chartreuse colour scheme to the new accent colour orange. The arrangement will be a focal in the centre of the salon, in order to increase the stability of the arrangement Darek has decided to make it more permanently located there and we are adding a substantial wooden framework which will create a lot more weight. I took a lot of pictures as I worked on the arrangement in the evenings when the studio was not open. We completely removed the former arrangement and Darek had the structure built and encased within the large fibreglass base. He also had the pedestal and the base permanently attached to one another.
The ugly beginning structure and all the materials......
To begin I started greening the base...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome 2013!!

Well if anyone ever looks at this blog aside from myself you may notice some sincerely lackluster blogging performance in 2012.....My New Year's resolution this year among a severe need to organize my various recent technological advances and to hone the skills required to operate aforementioned devices is (drumroll please) to get all the images that I have in folders uploaded as posts on this blog. We look forward to another amazing year with great brides and bouquets to share!